sunburn remedies

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  1. What is sunburn?
  2. sunburn remedies
  3. Elderflower lotion
  4. Iodine sunburn lotion
  5. Sunshine rescue cream

What is sunburn?


Sunburn occurs when someone receives too much sunlight or ultraviolet rays from other sources.
It happens because the body is unable to make sufficient protective pigments which are designed to defend your skin.

sunburn remedies


  • Baking soda- Mix the baking soda with water to make a paste, this is a good remedy for small burns. If you want to have some all over relief add two tablespoons to a cool bath.
  • Lavender vinegar or apple cider vinegar-Add a quarter of a pint (150ml)of any of these vinegars to a bath, it is effectively an antiseptic and will ease the prickling sensation.
  • Rosewater or elderflower water and yoghurt-Mix together two tablespoons of elderflower or rosewater with 150ml (quarter of a pint of plain yoghurt) and apply it on painful areas.
  • Quince seeds-Soak your quince seeds in water for 2 days then apply it to your skin

Elderflower lotion



  • Half a teaspoon of borax
  • Three tablespoons of witch hazel
  • Five tablespoons of elderflower
  • Five tablespoons of glycerine
  • One tablespoon of eau de cologne.

Put all the ingredients in a bottle and keep it refrigerated. The elderflower lotion may be used all over your body to soothe sunburn. Shake well before using.

Iodine sunburn lotion


  • Half a teaspoon of iodine
  • Six tablespoon of olive oil
  • Three tablespoons of lavender vinegar or cider vinegar

Put it in a bottle, shake well and use when needed. It’s a good old fashioned recipe which is healing and antiseptic.

Sunshine rescue cream


  • Three drops of vitamin E oil
  • Three drops of vitamin A oil
  • Two tablespoons of Vaseline
  • One tablespoon of sunflower oil
  • One tablespoon of wheatgerm oil
  • Four tablespoons of anhydrous lanolin.

  1. Put the Vaseline and lanolin into a saucepan of boiling water and heat until the Vaseline and lanolin are melted.

    When they are melted add the oils and mix well.

  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat and continue mixing it until it is cooled down.
  3. Put it in a clean container and seal it. Use it liberally on your burns.

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