Definition of depression

The definition of depression according to the oxford dictionary is severe despondency and dejection, especially when long-lasting and accompanied by physical symptoms. It is a perfectly adequate description but I am going to expand upon that.

The generic term depression is usually employed to describe clinical depression. Additionally depression is also known as major depressive, unipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder.

To really understand the question of what is depression,you must comprehend what creates a depressive disorder. Depression is a mental disorder, a mental illness.

When someone is diagnosed with depression everyone who is involved with the depressed person is affected. Depression can tear family to pieces. If the person who is depressed is a parent, children will feel the affects of it more than anyone else.

There is a difference between just being sad and being depressed.

Experiencing sadness from time to time is a normal thing. Everybody somewhere and sometime in their lives will experience being sad. Sadness is a normal reaction to painful things that have happened. Depression is far more extreme.

A person who is experiencing feelings that upsets them can rationally tell you what is causing their unhappiness, a person that suffers from depression can not necessarily do so.

Some people will experience clinician depression once in a lifetime, others have multiple episodes. If a person suffers from depression once, there is a fifty percent chance that they will get depression again. Then when it occurs the second time, there is a threat that they will go into another depressing episode.

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