

Page Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. What feverfew is used For
  3. How featherfew is used
  4. Science Says
  5. Side Effects and Cautions


This herb is also know as featherfew and bachelor's buttons. Originally it comes from the Balkan mountains in Eastern Europe. Today it can be found throughout Europe, South America and North America

What featherfew is Used For


The use of featherfew has been going on for centuries. It is used to treat menstruation problems and labor problems during childbirth. Also it is used for stomach aches, insect bites, headaches, infertility and toothaches.

In recent times featherfew has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and migraine headaches along with tinnitus, psoriasis, asthma, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and various allergies.

How featherfew is Used


Stems, dried leaves and occasionally flowers are used to form supplements. This includes capsules, liquid extracts and tablets. The leaves are occasionally eaten fresh.

Science Says


There is some research to suggests that featherfew can be helpful in prevention of migraine headaches.

In 2005 a double-blind, placebo-controlled study done by Cephalalgia, a medical journal showed that MIG-99 considerably weakened the occurrence of migraine headaches. MIG-99 is a extract of feverfew.

The non placebo controlled group were issued 6.25mg worth of MIG-99 three times per day. After one month there was a decrease in the frequency of migraine after one month.

Side effects and Cautions


There are no severe side effects reported for featherfew.

Side effects may include, lip and tongue irritation and swelling, loss of taste and canker sores.

side effects which are less common may include nausea, bloating and digestive problems.

Those who take featherfew for a lengthy time, then stop, may experience joint pain, sleeping difficulties, headaches, stiff muscles and nervousness.

Pregnant women should not use featherfew as it can cause uterus contraction which increases the risk of premature delivery and miscarriage.

Some people may be allergic to featherfew. Anybody with an allergy to chrysanthemums and ragweed and other members in the daisy family have a good chance of being allergic to feverfew.

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